Blog posts tagged with "jakartars"
Geckoprojects Jakarta RESTful Web Service Whiteboard implementation goes Eclipse
Last year our Jersey based implementation of the OSGi Jakarta RESTful Web Service Whiteboard had become the default implementation for the latest specification version. We want to announce the contribution of this project to the OSGi Technology Project. The code is already available in the corresponding Github repository. Currently we... [more]
Gecko JakartaRS Jersey Whiteboard default implementation in OSGi Compendium 8.1
Since several years we provide an implementation of the OSGi JaxRs WHiteboard Service based on JakartaEE Jersey. With the namespace change of Jakarta API’s from the former javax to jakarta, the OSGi Working Group also started migrating specifications to consider the new namespace. With the latest OSGi Compendium 8.1 release,... [more]
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