Blog Posts (english only)
You have landed on our blog, welcome! Here you will find exciting articles on the topics of java, OSGi, Eclipse, BND and much more. For example, take a closer look at our series “Bits Of Java”. Besides the basics, you will find useful tips for solving challenging problems with Java. And now: Have fun reading and deepening your knowledge.
How can I trigger an export to a selfexecutable jar with gradle?
Run ./gradlew export. If the Build was successfull you will find the the result in generated/distribution/<yourBndrunFileName>.export directory. Note, that the bndrun must reside in a bnd project with a bnd.bnd in it. For more FAQ see: The Gecko Documentation Project by Ilenia Salvadori, Mark Hoffmann, Jürgen Albert [more]
The Documentation Project
We just started a documentation project on Gitlab. It started with a FAQ / Nive to know collection of information about OSGi, bndtools, Eclipse we want to share. This is what we have till now: Plain OSGi I want to use a LDAP style target filter as service property.... [more]
DIamAnt auf der Medica 2019
Die weltgrößte Medizinprodukte-Messe, die Medica 2019 in Düsseldorf ist nun zu Ende. Für die Data In Motion Consulting GmbH war dieses Jahr eine Premiere. Wir waren auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand Thüringen mit vertreten und präsentierten den ersten Prototyp des DIamAnt Projekts. Technologisch basiert dieses System auf dem Industriestandard für modulare Software... [more]
Building and deploying SNAPSHOT and RELEASE Versions for maven with BND
BND is a nice build tool, but in some cases it makes actually trivial things, seem impossible or at least not really obvious. Doing RELEASE and SNAPSHOT Builds is one of these things. Thus, here is a quick guide on how this can be done. By default OSGi uses Semantic... [more]
Create a “Hello World” Eclipse RAP application with OSGi and Bndtools
The Eclipse Remote Application Platform is an Eclipse project for enabling RCP application for the web or mobile usage. It can be used in OSGi or Servlet containers such as JEE. There is a good tooling based on the Eclipse tooling. We got a request from a customer, if it... [more]
Project DIamAnt – Blockchain in der Medizintechnik
Data in Motion Consulting als Implementierungs-Partner Am 1. April 2019 startete das Forschungsverbundprojekt „Dezentrale Informationsarchitekturen in medizintechnischer Anwendungsdomäne in Thüringen“, kurz DIamAnT. Das Projekt ist vom Thüringer Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und digitale Gesellschaft gefördert. Ziel ist es mit Hilfe der Blockchain-Technologie Arbeitsprozesse veränderungssicher zu dokumentieren. Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf... [more]
From Monolith to Microservice, an appeal to Modularity
Part 1: What can go wrong, will go wrong! Over the years we have been part of a couple of migration efforts to a more modern infrastructure and architecture. We have seen the good, the bad and the ugly side such projects bring with them. All of them could be... [more]
WordPress mixed-content warning when changing to HTTPS
As we switched our wordpress to https, we encountered some mixed-content warning in the browsers. The reason is, that there are some links in the page, that refer to http instead of https. This often applies to image links. An easy way to fix that, was to show the... [more]
A bit of Queuing Theory
We want to share a small study we made when trying to optimize the queue policy for a messaging system. We wanted to find an optimal configuration for a messaging system in terms of buffer size, number of threads and queue blocking policy, or at least to get a feeling... [more]
WordPress behind HAProxy and Login LockDown plugin
If you use WordPress there are a lot of nice small plugins. The Login LockDown is one of them. It is not the newest, but its has a nice feature. If it determines some wrong login tries, it blocks the IP address for a certain time. This plugin is configurable... [more]
RCP development with bnd
About one and a half years ago we switched all our projects from using PDE together with Maven Tycho to bnd. The increase in development speed we reached was immense. Additionally bnd automatically pushed us towards writing better OSGi software. Over the time we experienced a lot of fallacies PDE... [more]
Gecko EMF
Last week we had a talk at the EclipseCon Europe 2018 in Ludwigsburg, presenting one of our OpenSource projects. It is called Gecko EMF and available here: The Slides for the talk can be found here: EMF and OSGi What is Gecko EMF? It is an addition to EMF... [more]
Handling SNAPSHOT and RELEASE builds with BND
A while back, we reactivated our Nexus and wanted to use bnd to release to an OBR and an the Nexus at the same time. As usual, we have an automated build handled by jenkins, which does a snapshot build from our develop branch and a release build from changes... [more]
Rendering Issues with Eclipse Photon on Ubuntu 16.04
If you are using the brand new Eclipse Photon on an Ubuntu 16.04, it can happen that you encounter some rendering issues like the one below. I start my Eclipse in Ubuntu using the .desktop files with the following environment variable: SWT_GTK3=0. This is obvious not necessary any more. You... [more]
Remote launching OSGi applications with bnd
Recently, I wanted to build an OSGi application that should run on my RaspberryPi. So I wanted an easy way to test this application on the Pi. After some research I found the possibility to use a remote laucher in bnd. There are two parts necessary for that: the remote... [more]
Create Gnome/Ubuntu desktop files under with Eclipse Oomph installer
If you are a user of the Eclipse IDE using Ubuntu and you are using the Oomph installer as well, I will show the possibility to automatically create .desktop files. That makes it possible to find the installation with your desktop search tool. I used it for a while and... [more]
Update a Mongo 3.2.x standalone to a 3.6.
Mongo does only support incremental updates. This means, that one can only update from one stable release to the next. The even numbered minor versions are always the stable releases. Getting Started At first you should check if your application is using features of the MongoDB that may have changed... [more]
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